Women DO Belong On The Mountain!
Women's Initiative Fund
Established 2022
PSIA-AASI www.thesnowpros.org
What it is all about… Mission statement:
The Women's Initiative Fund (W.I.F.) exists to provide financial support to women's specific educational opportunities within the Professional Ski Instructors of America - American Association of Snowboard Instruction (PSIA-AASI).
The aim is to offset tuition PSIA-AASI women's educational events by offering financial solutions to barriers reported by women within the PSIA-AASI membership.
- Subsidizing whole events through sponsorship
Offering a “sliding scale” for registration reimbursement
Evolving aid strategies to grow with the industry
Your help is needed! Giving:
One-time donations are your tax-deductible gift that will be applied to the next qualified event! Basically, money in - money out. Your gift can directly support one or more participants in the same year or season.
$50-$100 will directly impact 1-2 people…
$3000 can influence an entire event!
In-Kind donations are, basically, goods and services that provide perks and depth to events and fundraising opportunities.
Swag, raffle prizes, equipment donations
Facilities, special training, administration
Time and expertise relevant to the mission
Spread the word....The point is to create positive change - today! So the more you can share, tweet, blurb and blog in support of this endeavor… well, the more the better!
Cash, Check or Card?
Cash accepted at fundraisers, events, or raffles.
Check Or Money Order
Payable To:
PSIA-AASI Education Foundation
Women's Initiative FUND
Mail To:
113 S. Van Gordon St.
Suite 200
Lakewood, Co
Credit Card
Go Online!
1. Login here or create a free account
2. Go to "About"
(click above link)
3. Give a Gift to
Education Foundation
Designate Women's Initiative Fund in message box.
Why Bother?
PSIA-AASI commissioned a Women’s Advisory Group (Previously the Women's Initiative Task Force) to address diversity and inclusion in the industry. The group started with a Survey: Women Belong on the Mountain. (Click the link to learn more about the survey in detail)
Short-term Goal
To make training and events more affordable for the
PSIA-AASI Membership
Longterm Goal
To fund women’s programs in each PSIA-AASI region across the USA for all snowsports disciplines.
What Were The Results?
Many women lacked opportunity for quality training amidst the juggle of family and finances. The outcome spawned the W.I.F. It is one answer to many of the underlying barriers affecting how women choose to engage in the snow sport instructor career.
So What?
Too many good women leave the industry. It doesn’t need to be that way.
Things That Help Break Down The Barriers
Affordable Skill Building Clinics And Events
Community Building
Mentorship Connections
On And Off The Snow Interactions
Curriculum Built Around The Needs Of The Participants
Opportunities For Leadership
Sponsorship Criteria
Calendar Of Supported Events Coming Soon!
Maintain educational event pricing
Inclusive Focus
Accessible for local membership yet open to all
PSIA-AASI membership regions
Multi-discipline encouraged
Mentorship Opportunities
Elevate women into leadership roles in the industry
Develop equity in training roles
Celebrate diversity through a supportive environment